Freediving training of the week
This week the conditions are perfect, let's go to freediving deeper !
This week the conditions are perfect, let's go to freediving deeper !
This week only 2 freediving training, only on part of the team is available, so don't forget to book your place
This week the season is gone, and the freediving training after work also !
This week the weather will be great with us, let's go for deep freediving !
Italian composer and pianist Ludovico Einaudi has played one of his compositions , "Elegy for the Arctic." It was inspired by eight million votes from around the world calling for the protection of the Arctic .
This week the weather will be with us ! Many freediving session are available in fact
This week, freediving training on tuesday and friday morning, the weather is good!
The RedBull channel is offering to watch some of the top five video of freediving
The freediving guide is split into 20 parts which will be published over May 2016. The sections of the guide will be available below as they are published so keep checking back regularly!
This week the training after work is starting at 17h on wednesday, let's go !
This non profit organization is working for sensitize about environment, young peole at school and others.
As I announced , you find now the apnea sheets on the website of news, in order to improve your apnea , apnea during your workouts on freediving training.
This week, freediving training every day until tuesday, there is still some places available
William Trubridge, yesterday, broke the world record of Free Immersion, with a dive at 122m in 4 minutes and 24 seconds
This week, the freediving session will be on tuesday, friday, saturday and sunday. A ggod way to progress in freediving in safety.
This week is playing one of the big freediving event, the Vertical Blue. Many national records and many personnal best are achieving on this time, and the frenchs are on the place.
Freediving training session on wednesday, let's met at 9 PM at the office, for a training session.
This weekend, we are on the Nautic Event of La Ciotat, and we sales all the suits from the shool, with good price and good quality for freediving
During this week, Abyss Garden offering freediving intro on the Nautic Event in La Ciotat, like every years. You can test the Cressi Sub material and discovering freediving
Freediving training starting again this week, on friday morning, let's book you're places !
Today was the first session of the freediving child's club, and all the dolphins were at the top like usual. The best activities for child in La Ciotat !
An article written by some freediving instructors of Bali school, who suggest the top ten of health benefits of Freediving look interesting.
On the 6 and 7 of Febuary, the new CMAS static record was set up at 8'12'', with a great protocole.
Next week we will start the freediving training, like each week until the end of october ! Like usal book by email or by phone
This weekend will be organized the first round of the AIDA France Cup. Freedivers can be selected for the AIDA International world championship.
A article written in 20 minutes newpaper explaining what are thinking some of the best french freedivers during their apnea.
The new office is now ready to receive all the students for the freediving courses 2016!
The first freediving film will coming soon, with many freedivers guests like Nery, Molkanova. Let's see this !
That it ! The second video about our freediving session in Tumbak, Indonesia.
This summer, ABYSS Garden will opening the young summer activities, with freediving and others fun activities !