Relaxation to progress in freediving

Progress in freediving with relaxation
Train in freediving with relaxation sessions is very good
"We are not always aware of it from the beginning, but relaxation is an essential element in the practice of freediving.
Despite good physical shape, a well developed technique and a rib cage regularly stretched; We can nevertheless find ourselves "blocked", turning without knowing why, or not being able to compensate for ... very often it is simply a lack of relaxation.
But how to reach this state of physical and mental relaxation, and to live these magical dives where the end of the cable arrives too quickly?
What's more frustrating than being told "relax, it's going to pass .... "Without knowing how to get there?
Good news ! With simple exercises and a little practice, one can easily learn to relax in a few moments, before or during your freediving session.
Just try! "
In partnership with ABYSS Garden, Coralie organizes relaxation sessions just before our freediving training in La Ciotat. We hope you will like this organization to progress in freediving with us!