Freediving training, fun freediving and relaxation sessions this week

Freediving training, fun freediving and relaxation sessions
A beautiful program this week for your freediving training!
Thanks to our flexible schedules, you can train in freediving before (9h / 12h) or after work (17h / 20h) to decompress the stress of the day, weekdays or weekends.
Scedules oh the week :
- Wednesday 4 pm - 5 pm: relaxation session
- Wednesday 5 pm - 8 pm: freediving training
- Friday 9h-12h: freediving training
- Saturday 13h-14h: relaxation session
- saturday 2 pm-5pm: freediving training
- Sunday 2 pm-5 pm: exploration trip
Price out of sea: 25 € / exit; 210 € / book of 10 freediving training ou explo
Relaxation : 10 € / session
ABYSS Garden is a professional freediving school where you can come to do a freediving course, training in freediving, enjoy a farm or benefit from the advice of a coach during a session of freediving coaching or follow-up Monthly.
We hope to see you or see you soon in our freediving club in La Ciotat!