Honduras world championship : freediving champions go!

It's time for the world championship of freediving!
82 freediving athletes of 26 nationalities: to whom the medals?
AIDA (International Agency for the Development of freediving) is organizing from 22 August to 2 September the Individual World freediving Championships in depth on the island of Roatan, Honduras. The island of Roatan, west of the Caribbean Sea, offers ideal conditions for practicing freediving in competition : abyssal depths close to the coast, hot water without thermocline, Shelter currents ... and a central position for the practitioners of the American continent, these annual championships being organized mostly in Europe, alternating by team or individual.
13 French freedivers participate in this freediving competition including Morgan Bourc'his, Stéphane Tourreau and Rémy Dubern.
In the program :
-> training
-> 26 August: free immersion "women"
-> 27 august: free immersion "men"
-> 29 august: constant weight with palms "women"
-> 30 august: constant weight with palms "men"
-> 1st September: constant weight without palm "women"
-> September 2: constant weight without palm "men"
-> September 3: THE END
New freediving records to discover most certainly during this competition!