Summer courses for children : the discovery of freediving

Teenage freediving courses
The discovery of freediving in the sea
Since ABYSS Garden opened in 2011, we have always dedicated niches to children. Thus, the summer course that we organize in July and August is totally adapted to their rhythm for a fun and sporting week. This freediving course is for all children from 12 to 16 years, to learn freediving and observe in the aquatic environment, with appropriate equipment.
This freediving course will be a smooth discovery. Your children will evolve safely during the activity with a specialized professional apnea and children's monitor, a floating support for comfort and optimal safety of the child and 6 children maximum per monitor.
Two sessions will be organized this summer:
9th to 13th of July 2018
- August 6 to 10, 2018
Reservations are made directly online: Children's training course